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Zaproszenie na konferencję: Existential Philosophy for Times of Change and Crisis: Loneliness and Togetherness (3rd Edition, 2022) Philosophy & Beyond

We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming conference Existential Philosophy for Times of Change and Crisis: Loneliness and Togetherness. This will be an in-person event held at the Cracow University of Economics, Poland, 2-3 September 2022, 10:00-17:00 CEST.
In this third edition of Philosophy & Beyond, we will seek to re-examine the applicability of existential philosophy, broadly understood, with specific focus on existential phenomena of loneliness and togetherness.
Conference participation open to all and free of charge for all speakers and participants.
Scholars interested in presenting should send a 300 word abstract by 1 July 2022 to Notification of acceptance by 30 July 2022 (early submission and evaluation are welcome for international scholars wishing to plan their travels earlier; please inform us of this in your email). Conference programme to follow. Presentations should be 25 minutes, followed by 25 minutes discussion time.
All non-speakers who wants to attend should send email by 15 August 2022 to indicating ‘Conference registration’ in the subject heading. In the body of the email, please indicate your full name, institutional affiliation and email address (this information is for institutional purposes only and will not be disclosed to any third party).
Further informations are avaiable on Facebook event:
Mélissa Fox-Muraton (ESC Clermont/PHIER, University Clermont Auvergne, France)

Jakub Gomułka (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland)
Katarzyna Gurczyńska-Sady (Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland)
Hanna Nasielska (Doctoral School, Pedagogical University of Kraków/Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
Bartłomiej Kossakowski-Kisiel (Doctoral School, Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland)

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